Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day #127

Well. If I don't have super duper awesome strong legs by the time I leave Spain, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Or, you know, someone with regular legs. 

We started off the morning with a free Granada walking tour (I'm becoming a big fan of those), which brought us all along the cliffs with a spectacular view of the Alhombra, houses in the valley, and the snow-capped mountains surrounding the city. Take a gander:

Oh yeah, and some cactus plants. Lots of them, actually.

We got to this beautiful view overlooking absolutely everything and did a short photo shoot after eating deliciously inexpensive tapas and deserts, including snails. That's right, readers, I tried snails. And I took a picture to prove it.

We trekked back to the hostel for a bit before heading out on our second free walking tour. This one was a tour of the Granada caves. So get this- there are these caves that were built into the side of these mountains and people (hippies) dug them out and live in them. Most are solar powered. We got to go into one- I was picturing dirt everything and maybe a sleeping bag, but it actually had a stove and a big bed and chimney and a window! 

We hiked up to the very very tippy top of the mountain to watch the sunset (even though we had to move a few times because some people were trying to shoot a movie or something). I took 35 pictures of the same thing, but the sunset really was incredible.

To get some noms, we went to this place called La Bella y el Beatio (beauty and the beast!) before heading back to the hostel one last time to rest our feet. 

These houses dug into the side of the mountain were incredible for a ton of reasons, not least of which is the fact that the vegetation is all enormous as well, so you felt like a hobbit walking through the Shire. The hippie part of the Shire, though. 

I also drank from the fountain of good luck at the top of the mountain and saw a children's prison, also at the top of the mountain. It was a very interesting day all around.

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