Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day #120

Today I was initiated into the ranks or the SBG, code for the Sevilla Biker Gang. Stealthy, deadly, and fabulous, the SBG is an elite force that patrolls the streets of Seville in order to keep peace and tapas free from fear. 

(Aka I rented a bike)

I forgot how much I missed riding a bike over the summer- I rode up and down the entire length of the canal, crossed over a few bridges, and went through a few backstreets. I grabbed some lunch from a backstreet tapas vender, and rode out to eat my lunch in my decidedly new favorite spot on the banks of the canal. I read a little, watched lots of people doing crew, and rode around a little more before my rental was up.


When I got back to the hostel, I enjoyed the gorgeous view from the rooftop from where you can see Catedral de Sevilla.

Not too shabby, eh?

Later tonight I got to go to a flamenco show with a few people I met at the hostel! Wow, do they have a ton of energy and emotion. And leg strength. And everywhere else strength.

The costuming part of me was incredibly impressed with the woman's dresses. The rest of me was pretty impressed too.

I got dinner at the hostel again tonight and met more people, this time from various parts of Canada and Australia. Good dinner and good company. What more can you ask for?

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