Friday, October 17, 2014

Day #28

Tomorrow I am off to London to see two friends from Goucher! One is studying right outside of London, and the other is studying in Copenhagen, but visiting London for the weekend. My bus tickets are printed, my maps and assignments are downloaded to my phone in preparation for the lack of wifi, and I am READY TO GO!

If you don't want to read about my food for the 28th day in a row (does anyone actually read this, anyway?), feel free to X out now. Food is very important to me. As you can tell (who am I even talking to?).

Last night I reaearched a ton of recipes, and my friend and I visited the lovely Tescos (they should pay me to advertise for them) again and completed the speediest shopping trip I've ever experienced- I don't think it's a stretch to call it a whirlwind adventure. My friend, my 20lb backpack, and I were going to walk back home, but something about the combination of flour, sugar, sweet potatoes, butternut squash (among various other food), and the gradual 35-minute incline walk back to campus made the bus seem very, very appealing.

Even though I messed up pretty much every part of the alpine chicken recipe (sage and spices "Just Add Water!" Stuffing instead of regular; England's lack of Swiss cheese; the wrong kind of cooking wine), it still tasted delicious and now I have LEFTOVERS! Every college student's favorite word. Except maybe "nap time". Which I guess is technically two words. But "leftovers" is a compound word, so does that even count...? 

But I digress.

We also made some wonderful apple crisp after discovering that, without a pie pan, we can't actually make any pie. But the apple crisp was delicious and just the right amount of America and college student and Fall, piled into a nice bowl with vanilla I've cream.

We rounded out the night with some AVATAR, and you can see how excited we were about that:

(Okay so I'm the only one who really looks excited but I promise we were all excited) 

Because we are normal college students and watch nickelodeon tv shows on Friday nights HECK YEAH.

See ya tomorrow, London!!

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