Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day #44

Today was a homework day. My friend and I walked down to town, and sat in a coffee shop for roughly 4 hours, and were actually very productive. I learned a lot about budget cuts for high school arts programs in England over the last 5 years (for my theater class) and made the plot outline and back-story for what turned out to be an extremely creepy and slightly disturbing piece of creative writing for my English midterm. We're talking seriously scary. Like psychological thriller slash horror genre. Where did this come from? I promise I have literally the most white-bread life in the entire world. I've decided I will not work on writing this at night, or probably any time after dark for that matter. I end up scaring myself too much. But on the plus side, it has lots of wonderfully insightful symbolism and (hopefully) answers the very vague prompt!

We returned and were tired and wet from the rain, but content with how much work we got done. And also tired. Did I mention tired?

We remedied that by attempting to watch tv and eventually settling on Avatar and I about died because we were on my favorite episode, THE CAVE OF TWO LOVERS! Also Zuko finally cut his hair.

Seriously, thank goodness. It was time. It was way past time. So symbolism. 

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