Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day #206

I know most of you university students back in the old U S of A have roughly a month of classes left, give or take a few days or a week, maybe even two. Here in Heidelberg, we just had our first day of classes. And I didn't even have any the first day!

My only Monday class will be German (yes, I will be continuing this beautiful language so stay tuned for more lessons as I attempt to do my homework via this blog), and the German language classes don't start until next week. Instead, I headed into town early and found all of my classrooms and buildings! I felt like a freshman again with my nice pocket map all marked up with all of my class details. It was a grand time. 

After lunch a few friends and I checked out a bike store... Which happened to not have any used hikes, so we skedaddle'd out of there real fast, clutching our wallets. 

Grocery shopping is a thing that took place, and GUESS WHAT I FINALLY GOT A UKULELE. It's beautiful and was inexpensive and now my friends and I can perform in the streets and make money hopefully! Unless we need a permit! Even though we can't understand the laws because they're in German!

Then, the most exciting thing ever happened. I got to play softball.

Here in Heidelberg, we students have this friend named Patrick. He's a 23 year old grad student who studied abroad atHeidelberg during his undergrad (he's from California) and liked it so much that he came back! He also works in the international office, which means he can answer every question we have ever. But most importantly, he plays in a softball league and invited everyone to join! I was the only one who showed up, but it was absolutely fantastic. We did throwing and grounders and soft toss and batting practice and just general splendid things that were the best. Oh softball, how I've missed you.

And because there is a real lack of pictures in this post so far, here's the beautiful sunset I saw on the tram back:


Oh, Heidelberg. U da best.

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