I pitched my theatre feature article today, which went well, but made me realize how little I know about English culture since I didn't grow up here; so many of the things I spent hours researching are common knowledge to a native Brit, from which theaters are publicly funded to the names of their newspapers to budget cuts in primary schools. I definitely appreciate how much knowledge I'm cleaning in such a short amount of time!
I also got my first essay back! My professor told me she was very impressed with my incredibly dark and disturbing creative writing piece, and I earned the equivalent of an A, which made today a definite thumbs up in my book.
But between these two new academic experiences, I got to skype with the one and only Pallavi during which I ate a delicious quesadilla in the anthropology department and we analyzed literature. What a true friend.
Finally, my friends and I got dinner on campus and participated in the pub quiz night! Unfortunately the categories were a little tricky (I'll send anyone who can guess where the kiwi originated a picture of my dog being adorable. Believe me, you want this prize. Shadow is majestic.), but I pride myself in the fact that I knew all the correct answers to the American half of the last section about presidents. Wilson, Truman, Nixon, Lincoln!
Alas, we did not win. But our hearts and stomachs were filled with food and joy, which is prize enough.
Here's that picture of Shadow being adorable, as per usual:
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