Both of our couchsurfing hosts showed us around downtown Cardiff today, and it is an extremely adorable little city! Most of the downtown area is for pedestrians only, so the shopping and food and work places are all condensed and you don't have to worry about getting run over (by cars, anyway- sometimes people are just as dangerous). We walked through the park and saw Cardiff Castle and the city's rugby stadium. Oh yeah, and we ate at a place that boasted an authentic American breakfast. I will admit, my scrambled eggs, toast, and hash brown did have the meal feeling like home.
They have this great part of the city called the Arcades, which is probably not what you're picturing. They're these cute little covered streets that have adorable glass ceilings so you can walk along the cobblestone road and not get wet of it's raining! Take a gander at the view from the second floor of one of these babies:
I know you can't actually see the glass ceilings, but you're just going to have to trust me. Also let it be known that I tried really hard to make a glass ceiling pun but, alas, sleep is getting the better of me. Let me know if all you readers out there (hi mom and dad) can think of anything.
Important: Tree With Sweater
Our couchsurfing hosts really were superb. One of them walked us to the bus stop and we sang One Direction to each other as the bus pulled away. They should write a platonic romcom about our visit. Maybe that would just be a sitcom? Or just a regular com?
After two very long bus rides, we finally pulled into downtown Canterbury at 11:40pm. Unfortunately, we hadn't calculated the fact that the busses don't run past 10:50pm on Sunday's... So we had a brisk walk up an almost vertical incline for 40 minutes back to our house! Okay so maybe it's possible that we potentially didn't walk exactly literally vertically up hill the entire trip. But it felt like it.
Around 12:20 we finally made it back to our house, where we all got ready for bed and I did some last-minute research for my ten minute presentation tomorrow.
And with my eyes almost closing in the middle of this blog post (don't worry, mom, I made sure I finished so you wouldn't be worried again), I bid everyone a cozy night's sleep. May you all get at least 8 hours and wake up just long enough before your alarms to turn them off and avoid that terrible, terrible noise!
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