Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day #85

Although I wasn't very academically productive today, I got to skype with Alice earlier in the day and then my family at night! I was even able to talk to my Uncle Mark on the phone while I skyped my family (let's see if he ever reads this), which was a very pleasant surprise. But I'm getting ahead of myself...!

I am almost officially out of food (again), but I was able to use the last of my supplies to make an avocado, tomato, and cheese open-faced sandwich in the oven, and a few different kinds of chicken for dinner. Groceries are going to be necessary tomorrow. I even finished my ketchup, which means it's getting serious.

Alice and I solidified out plans, at least for the first part of our trip! We now have a place to stay in Edinburgh (I'm counting that as a win), and have travel arrangements for York and back to Canterbury on Christmas. I'm not big into religion, but even I'm excited to go to a mass on Christmas day at the Cathedral. I know it's just as commercial as the United States, but something about the holiday season just feels more authentic in the UK. Plus it's all just so darn PRETTY.

I was explaining to Alice how to navigate London and the tube, and that's when it hit me like a giant piano falling from the sky (or potentially like something a little less lethal) that I actually know this city very, very well. Look at all this fun independence and adult and self-reliance! Please, try not to let your applause run for too long. Well, okay, if you insist... *bows excessively*

Mu family and I decorated our tree together tonight (aka I told me dad where to put one ornament) and then we chatted up a storm. It's still a mystery as to where I'll be storing my luggage while I'm backpacking, so if any of you fine humans have any ideas, please let me know!

And because it came up while I was talking to Matthew and Nolan, here's just a little something I found one day while traversing the internet:

Definitely accurate. 100%. The ladies and lads love when you read them a good book. Crank that up to poetry analysis, and soon you'll have to be weary of swooning admirers.

TOMORROW IS HOMEWORK DAY. Wish me luck researching British nonprofit theaters and crafting a story psychoanalyzing a werewolf! What even are these classes I'm taking?

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