That was the most important part of my day, so I thought I'd share it first. Crepes are important.
I went to town at noon today and grabbed breakfast there since, as you remember, I had no food left. I tried to get a vegetable pasty and tomato soup, but the guy gave me a cheese and onion pasty and chicken-bacon-veggies soup by accident (almost all pasties look the same from the outside, and he was definitely new). Disappointed, I treated myself to this famous crepe you've been hearing so much about. It was a good decision.
I did some homework at good ol' Caffé Nero and learned a lot about public ally funded british theaters and their outreach programs. I know, I know- riveting. Make sure you read slowly on the off chance that there might have been too much excitement in one sentence.
I succeeded in getting a little more food, and decided to purchase a tiny Christmas tree to boost the holiday spirit level in my room since you remember what happened when I tried to make paper snowflakes... But the tree is adorable!
It looks even cuter now that I decorated it with some of my dangly earrings!
I finally tried the pub on campus for dinner, and my lasagne and curly fries were delicious. How did I not know about this place since it has curly fries?!
More research and one (only one... So sad) episode of avatar later, it's time for me to get to sleep and start on those essays again tomorrow. It's getting to that time of year, folks- FINALS!
Don't mind me while I crawl into my cave with my laptop and books and work forever.
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