Thursday, December 4, 2014

THE REAL Day #76

Did anyone catch my lack of Day #75? No? Excellent.

Today started off as all days should: with a Skype call from a great friend. This one in particular came all the way from Japan! Oh Kayla, how I've missed the resplendent curve of your smile.

Since I now have REAL FOOD, I was able to make myself some lunch to take with me for my 5 straight hours of class. In case you didn't get that, or you fell asleep reading because I'm boring you, I'll repeat: 5 straight hours of class. The same class. That's a really long time.

The first hour and a half were devoted to this French film called City of Sylvia. It was very pretty. And very French. But they didn't do much to elaborate on the only character development point that could potentially have been interesting, and there was a half hour extended scene where the main guy follows a random girl for about two hours around the streets of somewhere, France. OMG BUT HE'S LIKE SO HOT SO INSTEAD OF IT BEING TOTALLY CREEPY POOF NOW IT'S TOTALLY ROMANTIC INSTEAD LOL RIGHT??!!!?!? Yes, let's please keep romanticizing the actually really scary and disturbing act of stalking.

And that was only the first hour and a half!

But the other three and a half hours of class were a lot better and included pictures of Jar-Jar Binks, discussions on the evolution of language, and three games of Foldy-Foldy Draw-Draw.

THEN DINNER. Feast your eyes on this:

Homemade garlic bread featuring zucchini stuffed with tomatoes, onion, and fresh mozerella. A pizza zucchini, if you like. And I did like. Very much. Dinner served with a smile! (Get it because I arranged my food to look like a smilie face)

After dinner activities included AVATAR! We're almost done with season 2, and things are getting intense. So much character development, so many character flaws, so much backstory. These are a few of my favorite things. <3

And since I need to keep my hands busy while watching shows, I did a nice princess braid that I'm proud to show off to the Internet.

I call this piece of art "Braid and Glasses, featuring Radiator." Though it probably won't be appreciated in my lifetime for its brilliant social commentary or ability to simultaneously capture the concepts of Everyman and Lonliness together, I understand that great art usually has to sit for a while before the public recognizes true genius. I'm willing to wait.

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