Aside from all that school stuff, my Canadian friends plus my American friend and I are celebrating our first of three (that's right, THREE) Thanksgivings tomorrow! Since Canadian Thanksgiving is so early, we're celebrating with them between the two. Kent is also hosting a Thanksgiving for American students on the 26th, and my other American friends and I (along with some other students who are just really excited about food; I can't say I blame them) are going to celebrate together on the actual Thanksgiving Day. I'll have a lot to be thankful for, what with all the food. And also studying abroad and friends and family and all that other stuff I guess too.

Because I haven't really said anything interesting yet (and because these posts look a lot more inviting with a picture), I dug up the oldest picture I have saved that is easily accessible: the ID photo on my Kent OneCard. The story is thus: Apparently I don't like to take pictures a) alone, or b) with a normal face, and I had to find a picture with a white background for my Kent ID. So, this is a picture of me being very excited about a Zamboni. If there's one thing I love just as much as free food, it's a Zamboni. This is not a joke. They are majestic. Also I had to crop it to weird dimensions and my face had to be stretched a lot. But nonetheless, I hope your day was improved by seeing my excitement about Zambonis. Which is now the face anyone who ever looks me up at Kent will see.
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