Though it started out sunny and beautiful this morning and there was no rain in the forecast, my friend and I got caught in a small monsoon on our way back from the library. But I'll start from the beginning.
I attended another International Students Welcome something-or-other, which was, again, free with food. We had to answer questions about different things on campus to get our names in the drawing for prizes. We took a few surveys, met some people, ate some cakes, drank some tea; all very British. After our stomachs were satisfied, we went to the library and explored for a bit before settling down to study. For 3 hours. Then... the monsoon.
It came out of no where- one moment we were walking innocently along the path, and the next second the wind was howling in our faces and blowing us in all different directions; the sky darkened and the drops of rain grew bigger and bigger as we were tossed left and right, to and fro, every which way in our quest to get back to our house alive. Drenched and cold to the bone, we speed walked the last leg of the journey just before we were blown all the way out to sea!
(Not a lot happened today okay so I'm trying to make it really interesting and dramatic so you feel as though you're getting your money's worth out of reading this post)
(Wait, I'm not making any money off of this?)
But we DID plan some of our trip to Bath today! So far, the day's events include an hour and a half audio walking tour of Jane Austen's Bath, a visit to Jane Austen's Tea Room, a place where we can dress up in Victorian clothing, the Fine Cheese Shop in Bath, and, of course, the Pump Room that Jane Austen's characters and she herself visited.
Food and Jane... these are a few of my favorite things.
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