Although I've visited downtown Canterbury a few times already, I've only ever spent a few hours there at a time, usually running around getting groceries or towels and sheets. But everything changed

My friends and I took a leisurely stroll down to the town (saving bus money again, mind you). On our way there, we decided to go punting! Which, if you're like me and had no idea what that means, looks a little like this:
The guy doing the actual punting is named Ben, and we decided he would make a really cool Uncle. In addition to being a very talented punter (punting-er? punting person? driver?), he also knew a ton about history and recommended a lot of awesome places to go in Canterbury. Even some rain couldn't spoil our trip down the river with Uncle Ben.
After a relaxing punt (how does this word even work?), we headed to Tiny Tim's Tearoom in downtown Canterbury. My cream of mushroom soup, giant slab of bread, and artsy cup of English Breakfast Tea made it very clear to me that "the food in England is gross" is just a dirty, filthy lie. Those people obviously haven't eaten at Tiny Tim's Tearoom. Also, apparently Tiny Tim's Tearoom is haunted. By Tiny Tim. We went into the room that was supposedly haunted, and there were lots of creepy ghost sounds. So that was good.
We closed out our trip by going to the one, the only, CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL! Kent students get in for free, which is my favorite price. It's colossal, and so ornate and beautiful; it's no wonder people made (and according to Uncle Ben, still make) pilgrimages there to worship. The stained glass windows were one of my favorite parts, especially when you think that people didn't have access to glass as easily back in those olden days as we young whippersnappers do today. There were about ten thousand different rooms, and we even got to go into the crypt. Also, the gift shop was hilarious with the juxtaposition of really religious stuff and funny/slightly inappropriate Canterbury Tales references, such as shot glasses with the Wife of Bath. And rubber ducks dressed up like the Pope.
Around 8pm, Kent set off fireworks to commemorate its 50th anniversary. A beautiful end to a lovely day.
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