Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day #280-284

I was inspired to try to finish this blog by seeing my Grammy, Uncle, and my uncle's now fiancée (YAY CONGRATS TO YOU TWO GAH) who all mentioned my blog to me. Also I need to delete the blogger app on my phone to make space for other things, and I can't delete it until I'm done. It's about time. *takes deep breath and prepares to finish this darned thing*

The days after Copenhagen were filled with lots of studying. You know, the kind that wasn't done in Copenhagen. My friends and I hung around Mensa a lot, as  it had free wifi, food, good company, and caffeine. We played a game with the rules "everyone in the game is named Sasha" and "no pointing", which resulted in very confusing conversation consisting of such phrases as, "Could the Sasha in the red shirt please pass the butter." 

By this time, I'd also been the sole source of my 16 year old cousin's Harry Potter knowledge. Not having read the books himself, he would watch the movies and message me with questions about all the things the writers and directors left out. Spoiler alert: there was a lot. For example:

...and so on. 

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