Tom and I woke in the wee hours of the morning to finish packing and catch some airport transportation at 6:30. When we got to the airport and tried to check in, the airline told me I wasn't on the flight and that I was scheduled to fly on MARCH 26. Tired and hungry and frantic, I rushed to the help desk and asked them to PLEASE HELP and they told me I could change my ticket. For €500.
I basically had a heart attack and planned all the ways I could sneak onto the flight in the 30 seconds before he smiled and said he was joking and they would change it for free. Apparently the computer messed up when booking my ticket (I had booked the correct day online) because since February has exactly 4 weeks, the days of the week are the same as March. Thankfully they changed my ticket, and the rest of the adventure to the plane went smoothly.
We got into Barcelona around 11:30 local time, and I've never been so happy to hear Spanish. I even ordered all my food in Spanish! I also proceeded to read almost the entirety of Harry Potter and the Chambef of Secrets (not in Spanish).
We caught our flight from Barcelona to Frankfurt at 5pm, and landed in Frankfurt a little after 7. We were at our hostel by 8:30, and left our bags in our room to go get dinner at a delicious (and inexpensive!) Vietnamese place right across the street.
I am e tremt happy to finally be in Germany. Yay more countries!!!
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