I took the bus into the City Centre (spelled real British-like) to buy the necessities I didn't bring with me. Not only was Wilko a roaring success of a store, but the stops are "totes adorbs," (see picture above) which is apparently how British people think Americans talk. All of the buildings are massive, ancient, and very close to the road which made me nervous on a double decker bus. University of Kent is uphill from the City Centre, so on the way back I was treated to the gorgeous rolling countryside with the city, complete with castle-like architecture and a cathedral, in the background.
A very nice man selling fresh produce also complimented my accent and wished me happy studies, which was very nice of him and made me feel much better about my ignorant American ways.
My friends and I did not technically win at quiz night in the way that we got the most points... but I like to think we won in the way that we had the most fun. And really, that's what's important.
Watching Mean Girls in pajamas was an ideal way to close out the night, as always.
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