Saturday, June 20
So I'm going to brag about my engineering skills a little bit, since they're hidden very, very deep inside my talented being and usually don't crop up very often; this was a rare case of technical ingenuity. Even Matthew, the mechanical engineering student brother, complimented my work. Here's how it all went down:
In the bathroom of our Airbnb, the shower appliance was attached to the faucet in such a way that you have to turn on the faucet and pull a lever in order for the water to come out the shower head. Unfortunately, the lever must stay pulled out for the water to continue running through the shower, and the lever did not want to stay pulled out on its own. Kimberly puts on her thinking cap, and voila:
I attached two hair bands together so that one was around a hook above the sink, and one was tied around the lever, effectively keeping the lever until the contraption was unhooked from the hook, and the lever went back in and the water flowed back out the faucet. All this from a student of words and books and people!
BUT THAT WASN'T EVEN THE BEST PART OF THE DAY, FOLKS! Oh yes, Copenhagen had many a surprise in store for us on this day.
First of all, may I just say... Sidewalk trampolines. Yes, you read correctly. Trampolines that are built into the sidewalk. Need to relieve some stress? Sidewalk trampolines. Need some extra exercise on your morning jog? Sidewalk trampolines. Want world peace? Sidewalk trampolines, I'm convinced, would be the answer.
As for the rest of the day, we took a boat tour of the canals (during which we saw some ESPN-type of competition for diving, which took place off the roof of an enormous building build on the water), were hailed on for roughly 10 minutes and hid in a public bathroom before it became a beautiful day, and saw the quintessential town center of Copenhagen.
We visited the statue for Hans Christian Anderson's "The Little Mermaid", some windmills, and finally Hans Christian Anderson's grave (a tad creepy, but cool) before heading home for the day.